Psyche & Salt offers mystical and magical psychological services to women seeking to reclaim their feminine identity through a unique process of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care.
One-One Psychotherapy
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
- Maori Proverb
Getting unstuck from old patterns and unhelpful habits
can feel impossible on your own. I offer an inspiring
therapeutic experience that is productive, actionable, and
My approach is designed to push you out of your comfort zone
into your authentic self through a process that is motivating, empowering,
and inspiring.
I will guide you down a mystical path to which many are called,
but few are chosen.
You will re-discover and reclaim who you are when
aligned with your true nature, your core values, and your deepest
In the end, the only script you will follow is of your own
design,because you will have accepted your fate and re-connected
with your “original self”
to become the creator of your own life path .
You will be supported in becoming an even better
mother, partner, daughter, lover, and caregiver.
You will learn and embody the ability to be good to
yourself, to self-advocate, and to prioritize your own
You will liberate yourself from the cycles of co-
dependence, self-neglect, and the need to be
everything to everyone.
You will be in control of your time, feel the freedom
you long for, and make space for the solitude you deserve.
You will release the false expectations that leave you
feeling lost, stuck, exhausted, and frazzled.
You will tap into the deeper joy, peace, and freedom
of your life you know is possible.
Psychology and Tarot
What words are to thought, symbols are to intuition.
- Dion Fortune
I offer a unique blend of psychological insight and spiritual
guidance using the Tarot. While psychology provides a
deep understanding of the mind, emotions, and behavior,
tarot offers symbolic wisdom that taps into your intuition
and unconscious mind.
Together, the Tarot and Psychotherapy create a powerful
synergy by combining traditional psychological insights with
intuitive, archetypal symbolism for a holistic perspective
on collective and individual struggles.
Whether you're seeking clarity on life decisions, understanding
your relationship dynamics, or exploring personal challenges,
my goal is to offer support in a way that nurtures your mind,
body, and spirit. Tarot is not about predicting the future with
certainty; it’s a tool for self-reflection, helping you tap into your
intuition and uncover the deeper truths about yourself.
Learn to prioritize your intuition and develop your imagination by
tuning into the language of the universe.
Develop a new language to help you communicate your thoughts,
feelings, and motivations.
Work with the archetypal patterns and symbolism of the cards to
uncover the deeper meaning of your life, and the spectrums of
possibility open to you.
See yourself in the archetypes, symbols, and elements of the
cards to more clearly understand your personality, temperment,
character, and motivations.
Shift the lens of how you see your life by letting the cards show you
what you can’t yet see.
Break through the thick layers of who you think you “should be” to discover the person you are meant to be.
Psyche & Salt
Pasadena, CA |
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