“Becoming who we are is lonely and difficult. It takes an entire lifetime and every aspect of our humanity, physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual, to become ourselves.” - Elizabeth Éowyn Nelson

Welcome to Psyche & Salt!

I’m Dr. Andra Brosh, a licensed Clinical Psychologist and founder of Psyche & Salt. I developed this unique treatment model that blends psychology, life coaching, and the mystical, magical tools of Astrology and Tarot for women seeking a journey of self-improvement, self-awareness, and self-transformation.

If you are a woman buckling under the social pressures of role expectations, feel you are having a crisis of identity, or find yourself wondering when you stopped loving your life, you are in the right place.

My approach will help you re-discover and re-claim your feminine identity through a unique process of self-discovery, self-accpetance, and self-care. I subscribe to the theory that our individuality is fated, so to speak, but we have to discover it, and strive to become individuals over the lifetime through a creative process called The Great Work.  This is a tricky process, but essential to living a life of meaning and purpose.

Many women come to me when they have exhausted all other options, when they are fed up with more conventional treatment models, and when they realize they cannot resolve their issues on their own. They have reached a breaking point, they are sick of following the script they’ve been given, and they intuitively know that the joy they crave is out there. They just don’t know where to begin.

Self-actualization takes place when we discover our exceptional qualities and abilities, and at Psyche & Salt you are supported in this process using a variety of methods that stimulate your intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and natural sensibilities.

Each of us is called to a particular path, and we can choose to follow that path or stumble around in the dark “feeling” our way through life. If you choose to discover your path, I am here as a guide for your unique journey.

If you seek a holistic approach to mental health, and you are a curious about how you can re-ignate your passion and reach your highest potential as a woman,  then click the button below to learn more about my offerings.

Foundations of the Psyche &  Salt Model


Depth Psychology

This is a model of psychotherapy that embodies a spiritual and creative approach to understanding the self. There is a focus on uncovering the unconscious and repressed parts of the psyche using symbolism, archetypes, and spiritual practices as a path toward self-awareness.

Archetypal Astrology

This type of astrology offers an exploration of the signs, planets, and houses of the birth chart through a symbolic and metaphorial lens. This type of astrological work goes beyond “sun signs”, and reaches into the very nature of your most authentic self. Your birth chart offers incredible insight into your potential and natural gifts. 

The Tarot

The Tarot is a symbolic map of consciousness and an ancient book of wisdom. When blended with psychotherapy, the Tarot can offer a whole new language for our inner and outer experiences. The cards are rich with symbolism and archetypal references that accelerate insights and serve as a mirror for current goals, issues, and choices.  

Shadow Work

We all have shadow aspects that remain unconscious, motivating our thoughts and behaviors without our awareness. This unconscious content can be projected onto others, causing problems in our relaitonships. When we bring these aspects of the self into consciousness, and look at them objectively, we develop a more integrated sense of self.


This is a field of study that explores the interconnectedness between the human psyche and the natural world. Eco-therapy is a method that sprung from this field, and as a healing modality, it explores the human-nature relationship using symbolism, metaphor, and natural law as catalysts for self-understanding and transformation. 

The Tree of Life

The tree of life is a compendium of science, psychology, philosophy and theology. It’s a living system of spiritual development, and a method of using the mind. The paths on the tree are phases of subjective consciousness having a profound impact on who we are, and how we live. Engagement with the tree can be creative, metaphorical, or spiritual. 

Psyche & Salt
Pasadena, CA |

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 Email: drbrosh@gmail.com
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