The Psyche & Salt model integrates transformative theories and practices developed by the most formative minds and masters in the fields of psychology, occultism, mysticism, and the magical arts.

In the current culture of personal growth, we are seeing a strong interest in the exploration of more alternative ways of healing. Alternative is often equated with unconventional, but it is what we turn to when the current options are obsolete, no longer helpful, or even damaging. It’s time to understand that something significant needs to change, and that something is within us.

As it becomes harder to make sense of the world and our lives, we intuitively seek something to help us sustain a sense of purpose, meaning, and hope. The path forward toward the answers and solutions we crave involves shifting our perspectives and looking toward what is possible.

Through the expansion of our consciousness, we can begin to see beyond old paradigms and outdated structures that we feel tethered to. When these limits of mind open up we can see the opportunity to reclaim our personal and collective sovereignty. 

Psyche & Salt is a place to do this deeper work using modern and ancient practices that have a fundamental connection to psychological, spiritual, and mystical healing through the portals of:

Guided Imagery
Dream Work
Chakra Clearing
Art Therapy
Talk Therapy

By infusing nature, archetypal patterns, mystical teachings, and symbolic thinking into our modern lifestyles, habits, values, and choices we create a potent, and powerful magical formula of transformation. 

Theoretical Underpinnings of Psyche & Salt

Depth Psychology

This is a model of psychology developed that embodies a spiritual and creative approach to understanding the self. There is a focus on uncovering the unconscious and repressed parts of the psyche using symbolism, archetypes, and spiritual practices as a path toward a more self-awareness.

Archetypal Astrology

This type of astrology offers an exploration of the signs, planets, and houses of the birth chart from a practical and applicable framework. It’s a playful and creative approach to understanding the self through celestical influence and archetypal patterns, while providing  profound insights into life’s journey.

Talismanic Tarot

This is a non-divinic approach to Tarot that focuses on the language and symbolism of the cards as a path toward self-awareness and understanding. Tarot develops our intiution, self-trust, and helps in navigating challenging life moments by opening up new perspectives and solutions.

Elemental Alchemy

Alchemy is a process of transmutation and change. When applied to the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being, the alchemical principles become tools for self-regulation transforming challenging thoughts and feelings. Alchemy offers a path to integrating disparate parts of the self into a harmonious whole.

Psyche & Salt
Pasadena, CA |

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